Passion for product design.
Artori Product Achitects was founded in 2016 as a passion project of Steven Van den Bremt and Inge Demuynck. Since its foundation, the focus has been on realistic designs that lead to successful products.
Inge is responsible for the day-to-day management, project planning and budgeting while Steven handles the creative and technical aspects. They are assisted in this by an experienced team of engineers and specialised production partners.
100% dedication for large and small players
Do you want to boost your innovation journey, do you want to convert an idea into a manufacturable product or are you looking for high-quality production support? Product development agency Artori is your perfect match.
We value cost efficiency and we always remain true to our motto: start at the beginning. Large production volumes or small runs: we do not shy away from any challenge.
Thanks to our many years of expertise and technological know-how, we are the partner of choice to realise the success story of start-ups and established companies.

Because just like ARchitects we are TOtally committed to give the RIght direction to your product design.

5 reasons to do business with Artori:
- A team with its heart in the right place
- Guidance from A to Z
- Your end product as starting point
- Production support with specialised partners
- 98% of our designs go into production
One of our core values is dedication. We want to be closely involved with our customers and their projects at all times. We go all the way… together!